Bronisław Wolanin
Bronisław Wolanin (1937 – 2013 ) belonged to the group of artists, whose creativity in the chosen discipline, artistic ceramics, was at the highest level of expertise. He was a Graduate of the Higher School of Fine Arts in Wrocław (currently The Academy of Fine Arts) in the studio of Julia Kotarbińska. From 1964 to 2012, Bronisław worked as the artistic manager and main designer for Artistic Handicraft Cooperative “Ceramika Artystyczna”. As an indisputable creator of a contemporary style in the Bolesławiec stoneware, Bronisław introduced several hundred shapes and decorations into the production process.
In his early inspirations, this gifted artist was influenced by the unique style of the pre-war aesthetic group “ŁAD”, connecting traditional functions of objects with the simplicity of forms. In Bolesławiec, Bronisław was introduced to the folk traditions and German ceramics, which were created in early years of the 20th century. An extensive variety of forms resulted from these inspirations. Juxtaposing different traditions and schools, Bronisław Wolanin demonstrated great care for the methodical selection of proportions in each form he designed. The trends of Oriental motifs, the tradition of pre-war ceramics from the German school, folk art inspirations, fascination with the simplicity of shapes prevalent in Scandinavian design, permeated the artist’s work. Historically, the emergence of ceramic dishes has been the synthesis of many cultures and traditions. Bronisław Wolanin was invited to the symposia and the International Ceramic Open-Air ( the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, France, Denmark) and Polish ( Łysa Góra, Wałbrzych). He was also the member of International Ceramic Open-Air in Bolesławiec. Among many different works created by Bronislaw Wolanin, there was a marvelous series of unique porcelain jugs and mugs. In addition, a cycle of bas-reliefs, unique ceramic paintings, were designed in open-air painting.
The creativity of Bronisław Wolanin was interrupted with culmination of his life. He had many unrealized projects. His passion and personal expression for the creation of his brilliant art will forever honor him among the most prominent artistic creators.
Wystawy zbiorowe
Important Awards and Distinctions:
Porcelain Museum in Wałbrzych announces Biennale of Ceramics Musters named Bronisław Wolanin.2011
Bronze Medal Deserved to Culture Gloria Artist. He also received in that year the title of Honorable Citizen of Bolesławiec City.2007
Honorary distinction at the II International Biennale of the Contemporary Mosaic, Buenos Aires.2005
Award of the Year 2005, the Board of the area ZPZP in Wrocław for the best individual exhibition.1999
I prize for the arrangement of the wedding table at International Ambiente Fair ’99 in Frankfurt am Main.1995
“Design of the Year 95,” Award of the Minister of Industry and Trade for the high level of design, a reference to tradition and creative reflection. Stoneware Dishes Set design form by Bronisław Wolanin.1991
Gold Medal at the V International Ceramics Triennale in Sopot.1990
I award at the competition exhibition “Polska Ceramika Współczesna IWP” in Warsaw.1987
I award at the IV Polish Ceramics Biennale in Wałbrzych.1984
Honorable Diploma of the Minister of Culture and Art.1973
Brow Medal at the National Exhibition “Artyści plastycy w kręgu CEPELII”1970
Medal at the International Ceramics Triennale in Sopot.Participation at the important exhibitions:
“Polak – Artysta – Ceramik” Exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of Regaining Independence. Ceramics Museum in Bolesławiec.2018
“Dwie drogi” (Two Ways) Ceramics Museum in Bolesławiec.2017
“Dwie drogi” (Two Ways) Porcelain Museum in Wałbrzych.2006
“European Ceramic Context 2006” – Bornholm, Dania.2006
“60 lat Akademii Sztuk Pięknych we Wrocławiu 1946 – 2006” (60 years of Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław 1946 – 2006) exhibition at the National Museum in Wrocław.2006
“Wyzwanie Krawata – krawat jako chorwacki wkład w światowe dziedzictwo kulturowe” Cracow, Gdańsk.2004
“Ceramika i Szkło Polskie XX wieku” (Polish Ceramics and Glass of XX century) – National Museum in Wrocław.2000
“Rzeczy pospolite – polskie wyroby 1899 – 1999” – National Museum in Warsaw.1998
“Polskie wzornictwo XX wieku” (Polish Design of XX century) – National Museum in Wrocław.1992
“Spotkanie z Polską” (Meeting with Poland) – Ceramists Gallery, La Borne, France.1991
“V Międzynarodowe Triennale Ceramiki – Sopot 91”1990
"Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych we Wrocławiu 1946 – 1990” Zachęta, Warsaw.1986
“Współczesna sztuka wrocławska 1945 – 1985” (Contemporary Wrocław Art 1945 – 1985) – Albertinum, Dresden1984
“La ceramique de Bolesławiec” – Polish Institute in Paris.1983
“Ceramicy z Polski” (Ceramists from Poland) – Vallaurius, France1982
“Tkanina, Ceramika, Szkło” (Fabric, Ceramics, Glass) – Moscow, Ałma-Ata, Bratislava.1982
“Polska ceramika współczesna” (Polish contemporary ceramics) - Faenza, Italy.1981
“Wzornictwo w Polsce” (Design in Poland) – Polish Information and Culture Centre in Berlin.1978
“Naczynie kuliste” – Exhibition of the World Council of Handicrafts presented in 19 European countries.1978
“Ceramicy z Polski” (Ceramists from Poland) – Haus Bitz, Frechen, Germany.1977
“Współczesna sztuka z Polski” – Rothenburg, Germany.1977
“Kunstkeramik aus Bolesławiec” – Polish Information and Cultural Office in Berlin.1974
“Polska Sztuka Współczesna 1945 – 1973” – Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany.1971
“Wrocław 71” - Zachęta, Warsaw.1969
“Polska Sztuka Użytkowa” – Moscow, Riga, ZSRR.1965
International Exhibition of “Ceramika Artystyczna” – Faenza, Italy.Selected individual exhibitions:
“Ceramika i Rysunki” (Ceramics and Drawings). Applied Arts Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław2016
Literature and Music Club in Wrocław2014 – 2015
Regional Museum in Chojnów2005
International Museum in Poznań1997
Museum in Łomża1995
Museum on the Vistula in Kazimierz Dolny1986
BWA in Zielona Góra1983
BWA in Zamość1981
National Museum in Wrocław1980
BWA in Piła1977
BWA in Wałbrzych1976
Regional Copper Museum in Legnica1975
Museum in Jelenia Góra1974
“Ceramika Bronisława Wolanina” (Ceramics of Bronisław Wolanin) Gallery at Journalists in Wrocław.1973
BWA in Kłodzko1972
BWA in Legnica1969
“Malarstwo, Ceramika i Rysunek” (Paintings, Ceramics and Drawing) BWA in Wrocław.1968
“Ceramika i rysunek” (Ceramics and drawing) Ceramics Museum in BolesławiecWorks in collections :
National Museum in Warsaw,
National Museum in Wrocław,
National Museum in Szczecin,
National Museum in Poznań,
National Museum in Gdańsk,
Museum in Bielsko-Biała,
Ceramics Museum in Bolesławiec,
Upper Silesia Museum in Bytom,
Museum in Gliwice,
Karkonosze Museum in Jelenia Góra,
Copper Museum in Leginca,
Everson Museum of Art. in Syracuse (USA),
Cravatica Academy in Zagreb
Participation in the Open-air and Symposia :
International Symposium in Vilnius, 1975,
Nationwide Open-Air “Ceramika dla architektury” (Ceramics for architecture) Lębork, 1978,
Ceramics Open-air with participation of Ceramists from Poland and the Czech Republic – Bechyne, 1979,
Participation in over a dozen symposia and ceramics open-air in the Czech Republic: Duchcov-Dubi 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005; Karlove Vary 2001,
International Ceramic Open-Air in Wałbrzych 1986, 1987, 1995,
Nationwide painting Open-Air in Cieplice, 1984,
International Ceramics Symposium – La Borne 1992